Tuesday, August 2, 2016

More Python - From web servers to machine learning

I have an idea for building something with python that uses machine learning.  It also involves the web.  I have been working towards getting this all to work.
I started with the machine learning parts.  I am using the scikit learn library.  I have also looked into the tensor flow library that Google made.  I decided to stay with scikit learn for now.  It looks like you can transition pretty easily if it turns out I need to.
To test some parts of my idea I needed a web server.  I created one in python.  It took a bit of reading and several iterations before I got something that I liked.  It is now setup so that it will serve any files in a folder or allow me to do things with any custom urls that I want.
I'll try to post more about this soon.  Maybe I'll post some code.  Probably not.  I never have time for that anymore.

Where Will We Go With AI

 As AI becomes a more powerful coding tool I could see it taking us in two directions.  One would be more and more bad high level code that ...